Don’t Expect Too Much.

4 min readMay 15, 2024
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The size of your expectations is like the size of your balls, the larger they are, the larger the potential of hurt they can cause. We, humans, are swayed by emotions and emotions give birth to expectations, sometimes reasonable other times unrealistic. We can have expectations from just anything and anyone. When we put effort into something, we expect the result to be perfect which is not possible every time (like the ‘even my dog won’t eat cake’ I baked recently), when we extend a helping hand to a family member or a friend, we expect them to help us in our time of need. When we give money to a beggar, we expect him to show gratitude. When we make a joke, we expect people to laugh. ( even though the sense of humor is declining faster than polar ice caps)

It is only natural for us to have expectations but having too much of them is outright stupid if not self-sabotaging. Others have no obligation to fulfill our expectations and we have no obligation to fulfill others expectation. We are only mortals (though some world leaders don’t believe so about themselves). The truth is that we can’t control the results of our efforts nor can we control others' actions/opinions, the only thing we have control over is our actions and how we decide to react to unfavorable outcomes. As someone who has seen his fair share of unfavorable outcomes, I can tell you handling them is not as easy as preaching to others about…




I try to find humor in day to day life situations but mostly it's humor that finds me in embarrassing situations.i try be cool coz I have given up on being hot.